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LOCAL PROGRAM–   Climate Change   •  Fair Housing Report   •  Civics Education

Local Program

Each year members are encouraged to attend a Program Planning Meeting at which time current local positions are reviewed and our program for the coming year is planned. Recommendations are made for a new study and/or new action focus items. A new study is only necessary if there is not League position on the issue. An action focus recommendation is appropriate if there is an existing local, national or state position. It can combine citizen education and advocacy. A local action focus implies concerted effort to develop an action plan to influence local public policy.

Local Program must be approved by the board of directors and adopted by the membership at its annual business meeting.

Local Program 2023-2024

The League of Women Voters of Evanston will take appropriate action or collaborate with and support like-minded organizations and coalitions in Evanston and other northern suburban communities, to advocate for issues consistent with League positions.

Fair Housing Enforcement in Evanston  


Consistent with the LWVE’s local position to support strong and effective enforcement of Federal, State, County, and City fair housing laws, and the City’s Tenant/Landlord Ordinance and Condominium Regulations, form a working group to review and evaluate Evanston’s fair housing enforcement practices and outcomes. The working group will advocate for changes as appropriate and educate members.
Click here to read the final report, conclusions and recommendations.

Civics Education


Examine the content and teaching strategies for civics education in high school and middle schools in Evanston. The Illinois State Legislature has passed laws requiring civics education in both high school and middle schools in Illinois, and the purpose of this program is to learn how this mandate has been implemented in local schools. The working group will review the literature and talk to faculty and students about content and teaching approaches including what is taught about local government. The group will educate the membership and share ideas with the schools about how to incorporate learning experiences relevant to local government and issues in Evanston.
Click here to read the final report that includes an executive summary, an overview of the interviews, and an annotated resource list.

Climate Change  


Support climate change priorities in Evanston and the surrounding region. A working group will support the City of Evanston in implementing the 2023 and 2024 goals of the Climate Action and Resilience Plan (CARP), as well as climate change mitigation and resilience initiatives in Skokie and the State of Illinois. LWVE’s actions will focus on advocacy with the Evanston City Council and its committees and commissions and with the state legislature, and education of our members and the community at large about ways they can live more sustainably and support sustainable policy and environmental justice.
Click here to view more Climate Change information and resources.


Economic Development in Evanston Downtown and Neighborhood Areas


Review and update the LWVE position on economic development in the downtown and neighborhood areas to bring the position in line with current needs which have changed as a result of pandemic closures and a changed economic environment. Like commercial and business districts across the nation, Evanston has lost commuters and other consumers, leading to drops in sales, retail closures, and vacant office spaces.
Read the Roundtable's article covering January's program luncheon: "Panel Participants Push Back on Safety, Parking Concerns."

Return to Issues & Advocacy page.

League of Women Voters of Evanston (LWVE)

Serving the people of Evanston
& Skokie, Illinois, since 1922

2100 Ridge Avenue, Room 1030
Evanston, IL 60201

OFFICE PHONE: (847) 859-7883

The LWVE is a 501(c)3 organization.
All dues and donations are fully tax deductible
and support our local activities and programs.

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