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HomeClimate Change Actions for Sustainability
CLIMATE: SUSTAINABLE LIVING– LWVE Local Program  • Advocacy/GovtLearn More... 

Climate Change–

Actions for More Sustainable Living
LWVE backs state and national League of Women Voters climate action priorities. 
The following resources provide information on actions and opportunities for everyone to make a positive change.

The The City of Evanston sponsors multiple programs and services to allow citizens to live more sustainably, including solar energy options, community choice electricity aggregation, electric vehicle charging stations, recycling, composting, community gardens, and more.


Beyond Waste, a project of Climate Action Evanston, provides a wealth of information on key climate actions that individuals and households can take with regard to solid waste.  

Paula L., a LWVE member concerned about the environment and climate change, started a project to learn and share ways to do more to care for Our Common Home, the Earth.  She collects and shares ideas, stories, and whatever can help us change our lifestyles and be better consumers.  Check out her website here!  

The Village of Skokie provides information on recycling, composting, and solar projects as part of their Sustainability Plan


The LWVE's local program focusing on Climate Change has compiled a list of items that are and are not acceptable for composting– Guide to Free Composting in City of Evanston/Crown Community Center.

There are many options in the Evanston and Skokie area for recycling items that still have a useful life, and for composting.  Explore some examples of these options here.

The League of Women Voters Chicago publishes a newsletter entitled Waste Not, Want Not , filled with tips for sustainable living. 

Rewiring America is a leading electrification non-profit, focused on electrifying homes, buildings, and communities to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, improve health, and build a clean energy workforce.  In addition to a policy hub, their website includes information on how to apply the Inflation Reduction Act to assist with the costs of electrification.  

The Climate Reality Project trains and mobilizes people worldwide to accelerate action by reducing emissions, calling out “greenwashing”, financing a just transition, and strengthening international cooperation on climate.  This page on their website provides information on electrifying your home.  Climate Reality’s Chicago Metro Chapter prepared this summary of Inflation Reduction Act Incentives for homeowners.  

Bee on native plant

Natural Habitat Evanston, a project of Climate Action Evanston, offers information on how to create natural habitats for birds, pollinators, and butterflies.  


The Metropolitan Water District of Greater Chicago compiled a list of native plants and stormwater trees for natural gardens.  

This list of native plants for shade or sun was prepared by the League of Women Voters Lake Michigan Region with funding from NOAA’s Office for Coastal Management.  

Watch a recorded presentation of Butterflies and Bees, jointly sponsored by LWVE and Natural Habitat Evanston, giving ideas on establishing small pollinator gardens. 

Book Corner: There are many great recently published books on the topic of climate change and sustainable living.  Learn more about  some that our Climate Interest Group have been reading 

League of Women Voters of Evanston (LWVE)

Serving the people of Evanston
& Skokie, Illinois, since 1922

2100 Ridge Avenue, Room 1030
Evanston, IL 60201

OFFICE PHONE: (847) 859-7883

The LWVE is a 501(c)3 organization.
All dues and donations are fully tax deductible
and support our local activities and programs.

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