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CLIMATE: ISSUES &IMPACTS– LWVE Local Program   • Advocacy/Gov • Actions for Sustainability  

Climate Change–

Learn More About Issues and Impacts
LWVE backs state and national League of Women Voters climate action priorities. As citizens of the world, we must protect our planet from the physical, economic, and public health effects of climate change while also providing pathways to economic prosperity.

Trees, sky, water

Where does international climate action stand after the UN climate summit in Egypt? View the Update on International Action on Climate Change with David Waskow, World Resources Institute.  

Laura Davis of the LWVCC Forest Preserve Task Force, outlined resources and programs of the Cook County Forest Preserve District and the November 8, 2022 tax rate referendum, which passed with significant support. Click here to watch.

Commissioner Cameron Davis of the Metropolitan Water Reclamation District talked about the role of the MWRD and efforts to protect Lake Michigan and the Chicago River, as well as stormwater runoff and water quality issues in Evanston and neighboring communities.  

On August 5, 2023, Evanston's Solid Waste Coordinator and Circular Evanston sponsored a public session to gain input that could influence future policy on waste circularity in Evanston.  A copy of the presentation, updated with input from the session, is linked here.

Environmental Law and Policy Center Report: The Impacts of Climate Change on the Great Lakes.


ELPC Thinks: Discussion with Dan Egan– Climate Change and the Great Lakes. ELPC discussion with Dan Egan, Brico Fund Journalist in Residence at the UW-Milwaukee Center for Water Policy and author of “Death and Life of the Great Lakes.”

Environmental Law & Policy Center discussion with journalist and author Dan Egan on his new book “The Devil’s Element: Phosphorous and a World Out of Balance.” Phosphorous is at the center of an increasingly dire environmental crisis causing toxic algae blooms and dead zones in waterways, including the Great Lakes.  

Watch the recorded presentation of Drinks and Dialogue: Carbon Pricing, by Mike Ryan of Citizens’ Climate Lobby.  

New York Times, A Battle Between a Great City and a Great Lake, an interactive article dated July 7, 2021.  


The Supreme Court’s 2023 Sacket vs. EPA decision had a profound impact, reducing which wetlands can be federally protected as Waterways of the US.  LWVE’s February 2024 Intercom includes a summary of a November 2023 LWV Upper Mississippi River Region (LWV UMRR) program on the impacts of the Sackett decision. View the full LWV UMRR video on the Clean Water Act Implementation after Sackett.  

St. Cloud, Minnesota achieved carbon neutrality in 2020, ten years ahead of schedule.  Learn how the City of St. Cloud has become a national and global leader in its sustainability work and the many positive community impacts resulting from these actions.

Carbon capture and transport via CO2 pipelines for either sequestration or enhanced oil recovery has both proponents and detractors; some consider it to be one element of an overall climate strategy, and others point out environmental risks.  View a recent LWV UMRR video program on CO2 Pipelines- Activism, Coalitions and Legislative Strategies.

League of Women Voters of Evanston (LWVE)

Serving the people of Evanston
& Skokie, Illinois, since 1922

2100 Ridge Avenue, Room 1030
Evanston, IL 60201

OFFICE PHONE: (847) 859-7883

The LWVE is a 501(c)3 organization.
All dues and donations are fully tax deductible
and support our local activities and programs.

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